Its The Weekend, Watch This

  • Corey Martinez‘s cousin, Nathan Williams Above Below part just went live and its a pretty fucking good way to kick off your weekend. Most of this section, Nathan is doing his tricks opposite, because switch is for skateboarders. Its a shame we have to rely on companies that have zero interest in BMX to make these big budget films happen. Watch this one.
  • Munich Germany had a huge contest last week and in case you missed the foot high rail and ledge madness, here’s the official highlights video.
  • Chris Childs is happy its summer. D’uh. Two pegs, straight cable, punk soundtrack its like its 2001 all over again, thank fuck. This one is awesome.
  • I’m not sure what “this” is but Scotty Cranmer is made for it. I remember a LONG time ago a Props Megatour with Dave Mirra where I think Jim C. was laughing at him for making all this weird “street” shit. This isn’t far off in some spots. But damn, that clip at 4:32 is fucking serious.
  • Subrosa in Las Vegas. 15 minutes of the Subrosa team riding Sin City. Can’t go too far wrong with that. Oh, wait lets have the whole thing in black and white with selective colour like a 15 year old girls Myspace page. Oh you actually ARE trying to reproduce Sin City? Don’t bother that was just annoying and distracting.

What a strange week for videos…..

Its Wednesday and we’re half way through the strangest week in videos I can remember. Starting with the good:

  • Eclat En Chile. The Eclat team went through a pretty strange time in Chile, facing riots and injuries but came back with this awesome edit filmed and edited by Rich Forne.
  • Jeff Wescott‘s promo for his new signature line from Mutiny Bikes is banging from start to finish
  • Finally, there is this complete shit show of a money grab from someone I previously had a lot of respect for. I’m all for advancing our sport but when its purely for the financial gain of one man, its pretty hard to stay respectable and credible. In this video you are going to see Dennis Enarson in a Mercedes Benz advert. Fuck everything about this.

Villa Road Trip: Malaga

Villa Road is a new-ish BMX company from England made of a group of Aston Villa FC supporters who also ride BMX. They headed to the uncharted wilds of Malaga in Spain for their first proper edit. Follow Bob Manchester, Matt Priest, Inch, Lima and friends as they discover what the amazing city has to offer. Fun fact, Matt Priest and Bob Manchester are actually the same person! Bob came up with the character of “Matt” whilst getting a hair cut. Kinda excited to see more of Villa Road.